Customer Service Center
We use FedEx Ground (physical addresses only in the contiguous US states) or US Postal Service for standard shipments to any US or US territory destination. Customers with PO Boxes are encouraged to also provide a street address to better facilitate shipments that are shipped via FedEx.
Ship to APO/FPO
We ship orders larger than $100 free to Military post boxes (APO/FPO) on all our brands. Please note that orders to APO/FPO addresses and destinations outside the 48 contiguous United States may incur additional processing time. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Knowledgeable Customer Service
Please contact us for any question you have on a product, price or service issue. Our staff wants you to have a purchase experience beyond your expectations. We also have years of experience with our brands, and would love to help you with any questions you may have. We want you to be a customer that would recommend us to your friends. If you like us, follow us on Facebook or Twitter.